What will be your legacy?
Why does the President get paid more than the Prime Minister? Because one of her Constitutional roles is similar to the UK’s House of Lords. Her appointment was publicly popular, but is she up to the task?
Why does the President get paid more than the Prime Minister? Because one of her Constitutional roles is similar to the UK’s House of Lords. Her appointment was publicly popular, but is she up to the task?
In comparison to the bold plan for Highlands capital city, Heritage is little more than a quaint administrative village.
Penetrate the propaganda, blow away the smoke, break the mirrors and discover what the government’s signature project is all about.
Is the DPP accountable or is he above the law? Is the judiciary protecting him?
“Power to the People!”
We ask Ivan Collendavalloo to scrap CT Power and make the switch from coal to renewables. We propose an innovative strategy of using biogas from waste and energy crops to balance the variability of the sun and wind.
“Gouverner pour le peuple – avec le peuple”
Taking Sir Anerood Jugnauth’s election mantra at face value we explain our concerns and aspirations in the key areas of: democracy, the economy, the environment and education.