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…prepare for a big surprise.
If you go down to the beach today,
you’d better go in disguise.
For all the goons that ever there was
Are gathered there for certain because
From today for always our beaches are only for tourists.

On May 5th, polling day, I was violently assaulted by the “security” on Navin Ramgoolam’s Ilot Gabriel, simply because I am Mauritian. When I reported the matter to the coastguards on Xavier Duval’s Flat Island, they did their best to cover up the matter: threatening me and stealing my mobile phone.

Below is the statement I will be making to the Police Complaints Bureau later today. Let’s see if Navin orders them to cover this up. By the way, I just learned about the extra-judicial execution of Rajen Sabapathee on Cavadee in 2000. Apparently this was also on Navin’s orders. Does anyone know the facts of the incident?

Statement to Police Complaints Bureau

If you click on the picture above you can read a discussion we held with Xavier Duval over his tourism strategy.